Saturday, January 17, 2015

God Works in Mysterious Ways

Wow. Sometimes, God answers our prayers in the craziest and most unexpected ways. Every since Christmas, I have been praying for friends. I have been praying that I would make friends that believed what I believed but that also had personalities like mine. And last Sunday, I felt like I needed to create this blog. 4 days later, I received a message on instagram from a girl that I didn't know saying that she had found my blog and thinks we would be great friends; and crazy enough, we became best friends over the course of the next 48 hours. She has the same standards as me and is preparing to serve a mission so she pushes me to be better. This is just a small example of a way that God has worked crazy little miracles in my life. I thank God at night now for bringing this wonderful human into my life because I want to be better because of her and I want to be able to push her to be better. But now, let's look at an example on a larger scale. Last April, I had decided that the church wasn't true and that it didn't matter at all. So when I met my last boyfriend in May, that was what my mind was set on. Over the course of that relationship, not only did I get him into the gospel, but I got myself back into it as well. I had too if I wanted to convert him, I had no choice! And now, in the aftermath, I am stronger in the gospel then ever before. So maybe, just maybe, Heavenly Father put me through that relationship and this horrible trial to show me that I absolutely need the church and Christ in my life. I was in a place where I didn't want anything to do with the church, I was doing things that I knew were wrong but I didn't care because I had closed myself off from the spirit. I am now in a place where I couldn't doubt the truthfulness of the church even if I wanted to. I am now in a place where I love the church and my Savior more than anything and rely on Him probably more than I should (if that's even possible). I have never been stronger in the church in my entire life. How mysterious Gods ways are! Without Him putting me through that relationship and through this extremely challenging time, who knows where I would be right now or what mind set I would be in in regards to the church. The most comforting thing of all, is the fact that all of this means that my Father in Heaven is aware of me and my needs and is looking out for me. He is there for me and He wants what is best for me. Sometimes, the hardest roads have the greatest meaning in our lives. That's how God works. He puts you through the toughest trials to make you see that He is the way, and then He pulls you through. He might give you what you think you want in order to show you that it is absolutely not what you need. It is impossible for me to sit here and try to explain the way God works. But I do know that no matter what He does or what He puts us through, He is doing what is best for us. I know that if we will let God's will be our will, things will always work out for us in the end even if the road there is extremely difficult. I know that no matter how scary life may be that God is there. And I say this in almost every one of my posts but it is something that is so evident in my life right now; if you believe in God's plan for you, you never have to ask why things are happening. Trust in His plan. It is the only way to true everlasting happiness. God's mysterious ways may seem strange at the time, but in the end He will bless you in so many ways. Just listen to the spirit and always keep yourself in places where the spirit can be so that you can let God work in your life. Consider that maybe God is giving you the worst days to bring about the best of your life. Consider that maybe in order to answer your prayers God might have to do the exact opposite of what you want.  

Hymn 285
1. God moves in a mysterious way
His wonders to perform;
He plants his footsteps in the sea
And rides upon the storm.
2. Ye fearful Saints, fresh courage take;
The clouds ye so much dread
Are big with mercy and shall break
In blessings on your head.
3. His purposes will ripen fast,
Unfolding ev'ry hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste,
But sweet will be the flower.
God really does work in mysterious ways. I've seen it in my life and I am honestly so incredibly thankful for it.

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